The Reconciled Bride

Krystin Bruan
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

A Devotional for Generosity NY

“Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” — Ephesians 5:25–27

“Which chapter of Revelation are we in today?” is a joke I’ve heard friends make over the past 11 months. I’m sure most of us can relate. It seems every month (or week) there was a cultural moment that stirred emotions or awakened latent convictions. No matter where our opinions sit on the political or social spectrum, God’s work to reconcile his people and rebuild the temple where Christ is the cornerstone continues. In Romans 12:3–8, the Church at its most radiant will serve actively, prophesy faithfully, teach with agility, encourage constantly, give lavishly, lead with diligence and show cheerful mercy.

The Church is tenderly referred to as the Bride of Christ throughout Scripture. In Donald Whitney’s book, Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health, he asks, “Do you delight in the Bride of Christ?”. Christ loves the church and imparts his Holy Spirit to every person who calls Him their savior. Whitney writes, “the man or woman who has been given the Spirit of Jesus would love what Jesus loves and died for — His bride, the church. The best tests of whether we belong to Christ is whether we delight in His delight, namely the people who compromise His church.”

Now as image-bearers of the risen Christ we have the great privilege to model and enjoy hearty friendships rooted in the good news of our faith. It’s through this fellowship that we know that we have passed out of death into Life, because we love the brothers and sisters. It’s encouraging to know that the disagreements we have on the surface pale in comparison to the power of the Holy Spirit that unites us. Although it may be difficult to see past our differences, we can read ahead nineteen chapters in the Book of Revelation. Instead of joking about the end of the world, we can trust God’s promises and marvel at the culmination of His redemption narrative. The old will pass away, fellowship with Jesus will be without suffering and the saints will rejoice together in perfect unity and harmony!

What ways can you delight in Christ’s Bride or your community this week? What are some stumbling blocks preventing you from reconciling a strained relationship? What ways can you share the gifts of grace from Romans 12:3–8?

Gracious and generous Father, we know you desire to see us flourish in our purpose and our generosity. Help us see areas we have been reluctant to submit to you. Allow us to experience the gift of your great grace and experience your Heavenly Kingdom on earth. Give us the courage to be peacemakers in our community, and the freedom to share all we have with our neighbors. May your generous spirit be with us in all we do. We trust you. Amen.

*Originally distributed February 8, 2021 and titled “Reconciled Friendships” for the Generosity NY weekly devotional.

